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Click here for Corrected 2025 Indoor Heptathlon Results Women's
2025 Indoor Heptathlon Highlights: ***American Record - W35 Jayme Wyss - 3425 (corrected score) ***American Record - W70 Kay Glynn - 4927 Anne Sluder - W50 #3 All-Time Score
- 4497 Women's All-Time Championship
Event Bests: Jayme Wyss - W35 PV 3.50/11-5.75 and 800m 2:53.25 Erycka Fisher - W35 60m 8.41 and LJ 4.38/14-4.5 Cynthia Monteleone - W45 800m 2:43.67 Kay Glynn - W70 60m 10.58, LJ 3.75/12-3.75,
60H 12.80 and PV 2.70/8-10.25 Rita Hanscom - W70 SP 7.93/26-00.25 and HJ 1.21/3-11.5 Men's
2025 Indoor Heptathlon Highlights: Ronald Humphrey - M65 #1 All-Time Score - 5323 Larry Vollmer - M70 #4 All-Time
Score - 4578 Men's
All-Time Championship Event Bests: Ronald Humphrey - M65 60m 8.22, LJ 5.02/16-5.75 and 1000m 3:32.04 Click here for Corrected 2024 Outdoor Combined Event Results 2024 CE HIGHLIGHTS HERE: FOUR AMERICAN RECORDS: W50 Hept - Marsha Baird W70 Hept - Claudia Simpson W85 Hept - Tami Graf W90 Deca - Florence Meiler NEW ALL-TIME PERFORMERS: Roman Marenin #6 M40 Deca Adam Alderton #8 M50 Deca Ronald Humphrey #1 M65 Deca Russell Jacquet-Acea #2 M70 Deca Larry Vollmer #6 M70 Deca Marsha Baird #2 W50 Hept Erika Pierce #4 W50 Hept Janean Shannon #4 W60 Hept Deborah DeHaven #5 W65 Hept Claudia Simpson #5 W70 Hept Cynthia Monteleone #3 W45 Deca Mary Trotto #2 W75 Deca NEW ALL-TIME INDIVIDUAL EVENT PERFORMANCES: Roman Marenin - M40 Deca 400m 51.59 Ronald Humphrey - M65 Deca 100m 12.76, 400m 58.80 Russell Jacquet-Acea - M70 Deca 100m 14.14, HH 13.84 Katrina Vazquez - W40 Deca 100m 13.54. LJ 4.71, HH 12.71, JT 26.33 Cynthia Monteleone - W45 Deca 100m 13.65, 400m 64.62, 1500m 6:01.92 Anne Sluder - W50 Deca HJ 1.46 Ginny Richburg - W65 Deca JT 22.60 Mary Trotto - W75 Deca 400m 2:20.90, HH 34.46 Ginny Richburg - W65 Deca JT 22.60 Marsha Baird - W50 Hept SP 12.01, JT 37.38, 800 2:45.62 Click Here for 2024 Indoor Heptathlon Results New Indoor Hept Top All-Time Performers: Kay Glynn - *American Record* - W70, 4575 Mary Trotto - W75 #3, 1309 Roman Marenin - M40 #5, 4690 Dolf Berle - M60 # 6, 4875 Russell Jacquet-Acea M70 #4, 4565 Fred Monesmith M75 #9, 3330 New Indoor Hept #1 All-Time Championship Bests: Kay Glynn - W70 - 60m 10.78, LJ 3.72/12-2.5, PV 2.20/7-2.5 Roman Marenin - M40 - 60m 7.42 Dolf Berle - M60 - 1000m 3:38.31 Chet Clodfelter - M60 - PV 3.90/12-9.5 (1029 points) NOTE: Chet's huge PV record marks the first time any man has ever scored over 1000 points, using 2023 tables, in any event, at the USA Masters Indoor Heptathlon.
Click here for Corrected Results: 2023 USATF Masters Outdoor Combined Events Correction Notes: M60-M65:
initial results used old tables for the hurdles e.g. Dolf's 17.61 should be
scored as 660 points (new tables), not 746 points (old tables), for a total score of 6640 (not 6726)... sorry Dolf! M70-M85: initial results used old tables for the 100 meters W35-W65
(Deca only, Hept is ok): initial results used old tables for the hurdles Also:
+1 point corrections to Katie Tweto's JT and Kira Malone's 100m Top All-Time Performers: Sue McDonald: World Record in W60 Hept Angela Herzner: American
Record in W45 Deca Kay Glynn: American Record in W70 Deca Florence Meiler: American Record in W85 Deca Dolf Berle: #4 in M60 Deca Russell Jacquet Acea #3
in M70 Deca Erika Pierce #5 in W50 Hept Kira
Malone #2 in W35 Deca #1 All-Time Championship Event Bests: Russell
Jacquet-Acea: M70 400m and HH Katie Tweto: W45 Hept SP Sue McDonald: W60 Hept 200m, JT and 800m Kira Malone:
W35 Deca SP, HH, DT, JT and 1500m Angela Herzner: W45 Deca LJ, SP, HJ, HH,
DT and PV Jennifer Hedges: W55 Deca DT and JT Daphne Scott: W60 Deca 400m and 1500m Kay Glynn: W70 Deca
100m, LJ, HJ, 400m, HH, PV, JT and 1500m Mary Trotto:
W75 Deca 400m, HH and 1500m Click here for Final Results: 2023 Indoor Heptathlon 1997-2023 Historical File updated with
2023 final data/scores -4
New Men's All-Time Top-10 Performers (R. Marenin, R. Jacquet-Acea, L. Vollmer, R. Vergin) -3 New Women's All-Time Top-3 Performers (E. Fisher, K. Glynn, R. Hanscom) -30 New Men's Top-10 Individual Event Performances and 18 New Women's
Top-5 Individual Event Performances -American
Record for W35 Erycka Fisher, 2932 points with 5 All-Time Heptathlon Bests -American Record for M85 Roger Vergin, 3090 points, besting Bill's #1
score of 2915 and James Leggitt's AR of 2909 -High scorers of the meet: Women: W65 Kay Glynn 4567 # 2 all-time, Men: M70 Russell Jacquet-Acea
4510 #5 all-time -Ten
All-Time Heptathlon Bests: M35 Roman's 60m, M85 Roger's 60m & 60H, W65 Kay's LJ, W65 Rita's SP, W35 Erycka's 60m, LJ,
SP, 60H, 800m Click here for 2022 Women's Deca Results Click here for 2022 Men's Deca Results 2022 Outdoor Combined Event Championship Highlights: 3 American Records: - M85 Roger Vergin 6021 (previous AR of 5858 by D. Smith, 2011) - W60 Daphne Scott 7221 (previous AR of 6946 by R. Hanscom, 2018) - W75 Barbara Warren 4206 (first W75 deca in Championship history) Individual
Event All-Time Bests: - Roger Vergin (M85):
100m 17.53, LJ 3.04/9-11.75, 80H 18.75 - Deia Goff
(W45): PV 2.35/7-8.5 - Daphne Scott (W60): HJ 1.30/4-3.25,
1500m 7:04.93 - Kay Glynn (W65): DT 22.01/72-2
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